There are a lot of ways to measure the value of a home. The most common is the “wag”, which is essentially a square foot of usable space. We don’t really use that term in the home business. We use “square feet of usable space”. The “wag” measures a home’s ability to use its space.

The problem with the wag is that it does not take into account the square footage of the interior. How much floor space does a home have that it can actually use? The wag measures the square footage of the interior, and because it does not take into account the home’s ability to use its space, it may undervalue a home.

We did a recent study that showed that if you were to put a square foot of usable space in a home, it would be worth about five times as much as in a condo or townhouse. But with the wag, you give up a whole home to gain an intangible, imaginary amount of space. And when you can’t use it, you gain the perception that it’s worth less.

Phantom equity is an interesting concept. I’ve never really understood it because there are two kinds of equity in this world. One is tangible equity, which is the money you have in your wallet. The other is phantom equity, which is the emotional money you have in your head. It’s this weird thing that is lost if you’re out of your home, it’s this intangible thing you have that is worth the money you paid for your home.

Its also important to remember that its not just about money. Its about the emotional value of your home. Its not just about making the most money. Its about the emotional value of your home. For instance, the amount of money you could spend on a house like the one I live in would be meaningless if my mother couldnt sell it.

Its about the emotional value of your house. If the house you have is really worth the money you paid for it, then it makes sense that you would put the money toward getting another home. There are a lot of things that money can’t buy, but there are a lot of things it can. It’s not just about the price of the house, its about the emotional value of the house.

The more money you have, the more you can do to influence your life at every turn. You have a lot of control over your life. Your money will come in handy if you want to buy a house, but what you can do with it is completely up to you.

It looks like a good plan, but what you will pay is up to you.

Phantom equity plans don’t always work out as planned when you have to wait around for money to come in, but in the case of some people they’ve been a great idea. For example, I was able to buy a house that cost a lot more than I could afford without taking on a lot of debt. I made a lot of money with it, and I didn’t feel guilty about it. You have to find a way to balance what you need with what you want.

Phantom equity plans are a great way to help yourself get out of debt. I remember getting in a bit of debt myself and using the plan to clear it up. It does seem like a good idea, but it is up to you to make sure that you are doing the right thing.

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