The variance is the sum of the squares of the square’s two sides. It is the amount of variance that makes up the difference between the average and the mean. The average is the difference between the average and the sum of the squares, and the mean is the sum of the squares.

The variance is the sum of the square of the difference between the average and the mean. So if the average and mean are the same, then the variance is zero. If the average is a sum of the squares of the difference, then the variance is the sum of the squares of the average and the sum of the squares of the difference.

So now that you know the answer to the first question, what’s the difference between the average and the mean? The variance, of course. The variance is the difference between the average and the mean, and the average is the sum of the squares of the difference. The variance is the sum of the squares of the difference, so the variance is the average squared difference between the average and the mean.

The variance is the difference between the sum of the squares of the difference and the sum of the squares of the average, or in other words, the difference between the sum of the squares of the difference, the average, and the mean, or the average squared difference between the average and the mean.

The variance is the variance of the sum of the squares of the difference, or the average squared difference. The variance is the sum of the squares of the difference, or the average squared difference. The variance is the sum of the squares of the difference divided by the sum of the squares of the average.

The variance is a measure of how spread out the average is from the mean. If you have a set of data, the variance is simply the sum of the squares of the difference divided by the average, which is simply the sum of the squares of the difference.

The variance is a number, but it’s easier to illustrate with a visual example: A set of data is graphed as a line and plotted on the y-axis. The vertical distance between two points on the line is the variance of the difference compared to the average.

If you have a bar graph with your data plotted in the x-axis and the difference in the y-axis, the variance of the difference is the length of the bar.

The variance is just one of many things that can be calculated for a set of data. For example, the standard deviation is the standard deviation divided by the number of elements in the set.

Well, if you have data and the actual value that you are graphing is the variance, then the variance is the standard deviation of the difference. But all that is really just a fancy way of saying that if you have a set of data and you plot the difference in a bar graph, the variance is the distance between the two bars.

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